Real Information.
This was written in the early 17th Century by a teacher named Takuan:
"Everything should be done spontaneously. It should not be done as a result of premeditation. What is premeditated in the mind does not correspond to reality. There is nothing to which emptiness cannot accommodate, be it long, short, square, or round; only the mind, kept empty, can tackle anything that confronts it.
When the mind is preoccupied, one cannot judge matters objectively because the preoccupation blocks the mind. The mind that is occupied leaves no room to accept anything else. A guest room can be used to receive guests only when it is empty. If occupied, where is there room for guests? Eveything which appeals to the mind is like the guests, and our mind is like the guest room. When the guest room is cleared, only then can the guests be received and entertained in a desired manner... . When the clouds do not appear, the sky is clear of objects and remains serene. The clouds come and float in the sky, but the space the clouds occupy is not prepared in advance. After the clouds move away, there remains no trace in the sky..."
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