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    • The Book of Five Rings
      The Book of Five Rings
      by Miyamoto Musashi
    • The Art of War
      The Art of War
      by Sun Tzu
    • The Unfettered Mind: Writings from a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman (The Way of the Warrior Series)
      The Unfettered Mind: Writings from a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman (The Way of the Warrior Series)
      by Takuan Soho
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        Eye Strain.

        (Post written last night; I needed to sleep on the grammar.)

        Like hangovers and awkward conversations about birth control with your in-laws, eye strain would only exist in myth were it not for humanity's perpetual lack of forethought and patience. Case in point: I just spent eight hours at work engaging with a computer's screen via its keyboard, one hour reading a 12 font book on the train ride home, and am now--immediately following this workday and commute--typing this onto a much smaller keyboard with a much smaller screen. I thought the drop of blood that fell from my face to my pants was from my eyes. Turns out it was my nose. I wouldn't have been surprised if it had come from my eyes.

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        Also referred to as punchlines and nightmares--depending on the particular deadline's source. I write this post because as of today, I've missed yesterday's deadline of publishing a new post here at LSAT Meditations and am currently avoiding an impending deadline at work.

        (Hm. Blogs are nothing if not a tactile evasion.)

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        Too Focused on Cognitive Skills?

        Um. Thoughts?