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    • The Book of Five Rings
      The Book of Five Rings
      by Miyamoto Musashi
    • The Art of War
      The Art of War
      by Sun Tzu
    • The Unfettered Mind: Writings from a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman (The Way of the Warrior Series)
      The Unfettered Mind: Writings from a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman (The Way of the Warrior Series)
      by Takuan Soho
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        Everyone learn these.

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        The Silence of Music.

        A hallmark of zen is silence. A hallmark of the LSAT is silence. And a hallmark of good music is silence. 

        This could be the silence of John Cage's 4'33. It might be the holistic quote of Claude Debussy: "Music is the space between the notes." Perhaps it's the quiet following the finale of an epic composition, the empty downbeats among reggae's upstrokes, or, if you're into the maniacally riveting phenomenon that is dubstep, it's the brief but catacombic stillness before a heavy, wobble-bass plants a black hole in your chest.

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        Yes. Oui. Si. Da. Ja. Hei. Etc.

        [WARING: this is long and has expletives, bitches, and unless you are an astute and abstract reader that can peer five fathoms deep into subtext, this post has nothing to do with the LSAT or meditation prima facie. Unfortunately, the video is rated G, or TVG, or whatever the fuck the kids use these days.]

        I've had a rather difficult time writing about this magic word because I can't properly convey the importance of Yes (read: I'm too dumb to say how fucking awesome Yes is). It would be easier for me to mathematically solve for God. My suggestion to you is that you stop reading this now and just say Yes to anything and everything without reservation for an entire day, morning to night--without once saying No or Why. Leave your experience in the comments below.

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