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    • The Book of Five Rings
      The Book of Five Rings
      by Miyamoto Musashi
    • The Art of War
      The Art of War
      by Sun Tzu
    • The Unfettered Mind: Writings from a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman (The Way of the Warrior Series)
      The Unfettered Mind: Writings from a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman (The Way of the Warrior Series)
      by Takuan Soho
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        Put this in your collection of "Advice I Should Follow--Later."Assumptions, like relationships (any relationship), are both necessary and dangerous. Assumptions are the things your brain uses to fill holes. If I say, "I can't write while music is playing; will you please listen to Tool on the headphones?" You'd automatically assume two things:

        1. I'm trying to write something.

        2. You're listening to Tool loud enough for me to hear it, and using headphones will make Tool inaudible to me. 

        These are both reasonable assumptions that most people would make without even realizing they've assumed anything. And both assumptions would be accurate. 

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        You're Slouching.

        Not that you have a kyphotic spine or anything...I don't even know what kyphotic means.

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        Know Thyself. Or, Commitment.

        It means "Know Thyself." But I bet you knew that even if you don't read Greek.I've attended two weddings in the past month. During the ceremony of one, I caught myself thinking about the LSAT. Not as an object of desire (because that's crazy), but as an object of commitment (because that's not crazy--it's not). 

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