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    • The Book of Five Rings
      The Book of Five Rings
      by Miyamoto Musashi
    • The Art of War
      The Art of War
      by Sun Tzu
    • The Unfettered Mind: Writings from a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman (The Way of the Warrior Series)
      The Unfettered Mind: Writings from a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman (The Way of the Warrior Series)
      by Takuan Soho
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        « Perspective. | Main | Paying Attention. »

        Compare and Prepare.

        This may appear blurry if you've already started celebrating. I'll make it quick. In observance of this cultural holiday, I'm posting about this picture of two drinks that meet today's standard, each in its own way. The mug on the left contains green tea. The one on the right contains coffee that's been "Irished-up." Both were consumed in the wee hours.

        Coffee and tea are discussed here. We have yet to discuss alcohol and its effects on the LSAT and in zen. We won't do that today because I'm already behind on the day's festivities.

        If you'll be picking fights, make sure it's with people who're bigger than you. Nothing preps you for the LSAT or zazen like a good challenge. Also, try to win without throwing a single punch. It may sound confusing now, but it's a standard kōan--I think. Listen, you shouldn't be reading this now. Go out and play.

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