I Do.
Over 10% of a century ago, when I was fourteen, I found a way to get high without drugs, Jesus, or my perpetual onanism. It was Zen meditation. And actually, I wasn't getting high; I was breathing erratically in a cross-legged position until I passed out. I thought this was samadhi. I thought this was how monks had a good time.
Along came high school biology and I learned about oxygen’s relationship to the brain. I put my fainting practice on hold and decided to read more. Now I practice Zen meditation with a small group in New York City.
One day, after zazen, I decided that law school was the place for me. I began my LSAT studies immediately. At first I did rather poorly. So I worked. Then, by accident, I realized that the LSAT, like archery, fencing, flower arrangement, and calligraphy, is a contemplative discipline. My score jumped over 22 points.
Now I teach others how to do the same.
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